Acupuncture means the insertion of needles at specific points on the body surface, in order to regulate various body functions with the aim of restoring the harmonious flow of energy and thus to promote the self-healing powers of the body. Stimulation of an acupuncture point without a needle, just by using finger pressure is called "acupressure". Furthermore, acupuncture points can be stimulated by targeted injections of certain drugs or the animals own blood, as well as by the use of "laser". Acupuncture needles or lasers are placed only at specific points (acupuncture points) which are the opening points of the meridians through which "Qi" (vital energy) flows through the body on the surface. The location of these points is determined anatomically accurate - however, it requires some practice to feel them. Each acupuncture point has several functions: it acts as a local point of pain, as well as to remote regions along the affected meridian. In addition, there is always achieved an effect on an organ. Limits of acupunctureAcupuncture can balance disharmony in the body. Basically, however, it must be said that disturbances can be regulated, but damages can ot be repaired. Effects of acupunctureAcupuncture is an important tool in modern regulative medicine and is often used to assist manual therapy.
Effect on inner organsAcupuncture is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and serves as an important holistic way of treatment, eliminating disharmonies in the body. The "TCM" (traditional Chinese medicine) understands diseases as any disorder in the balance of the whole organism, no matter if it is minimal behavioral changes, poor performance or serious diseases is (eg colic, lameness, etc.). |